A Step-by-step Guide For Early Poptropica

The very first island in Poptropica was Early Poptropica The primary purpose of Early Poptropica is to win back 3 items that were taken possession of from the island’s original residers. Those items are a pig, a bucket, and a signal flag.

The Beginning

As soon as you jump down from your blimp, you will be on Main Street. You can walk inside the Pop Art Museum to browse several different paintings and talk with some famous artists. There are two multi-player buildings here: the Arcade and the Soda Pop Shop.

You could start exploring by climbing up the Water Tower. You can see the Signal Flag up at the very top of the tower, but you can’t get to it yet. You ‘ll also see an open manhole. You can jump down now if you want, but you might want to wait until you get your Glow Stick. It’s spooky and dark inside that hole and some light will really help.

Old Poptropica

Go right on Main Street to get to Early Poptropica. Here’s where you ‘ll find the first residents of Early Poptropica. After you talk with each of the inhabitants, you ‘ll discover that three things have been stolen: a pig, a flag and a bucket for their well.

This is where you ‘ll be able to pick up a handy glow stick. You can find the Glow Stick up in the top left part of the area, which you can reach by jumping from platform to platform. Walk right up to the Glow Stick to put it in your inventory.

Return to the Start

OK, with glow stick in hand, let’s go check out that underground area beneath the open manhole. Go ahead and enter the manhle and then make your way to the very bottom. You don’t really need to avoid the spiders here. Keep falling all the way to the very bottom. You ‘ll land just fine. Then jump over the green spider and transfer to get the prized porker. Contact the pig to incorporate it in your inventory. You will be tempted to leave the manhole now, but there’s more to be found down there. Get past the green spider again and enter the tunnel on your left.

Your Glow Stick will light the way through the tunnel. Once you find a rope, go up. Keep climbing until you locate the Golden Egg. There are hints written on the walls to tell you if you’re going in the right direction. When you find the Golden Egg, touch it to add it to your items.

After you get the Egg, travel upward to find an exit, and you ‘ll find yourself in front of Poptropica Towers.

Taking a Peek at the Towers

The pig is now yours, but two items still need to be recovered. Because you are at Poptropica Towers, you should start exploring the city street lined with tall buildings. Jump to the ledge of the first building you see and head for the roof! Travel from building to building, bouncing off clotheslines to help you. You’ll arrive at a blue building. Climb to the very top of this until you get to the roof and see some tables and chairs. Now go up the vine.

Beware the Giant

Wow, you’re now very high up in the sky. Go right until you see a huge pair of giant’s feet. Click on the feet to talk to the giant. He will take your Golden Egg as payment to enter his vegetable garden. Look near the vegetables to find the missing water bucket.

Exploring the Clouds

Continue moving right until you find the Aircraft Graveyard. You can not use some of the airplanes right here, but if you search mindfully, you ‘ll find a Jet Pack. This is just what you must get to high places– like the top of the Water Tower, where the Signal Flag is waiting for you.

Get back to Main Street any way you can. Then equip the Jet Pack to fly to the top of the Water Tower. To fly, move your cursor until you see a green up-arrow. Hold your mouse button down to move up. Next move left or right. When you reach the top of the tower, click on the Flag to place it in your backpack.

Return to Early Poptropica

Now you’ve got the Pig, the Bucket, and the Flag. Return to Early Poptropica. (You can fly if you want to, but you will have to walk between Main Street and Early Poptropica.)

Talk to each of the three pilgrims who were missing items. Once you do, the items will be taken from your Inventory and returned to their original owners. When you return the Signal Flag, a vessel will reach the dock. Consult the individual on the ship, and he will reward you with an Early Poptropica Medallion. Great job!

Author: pumpkinprincess95

Hi there, I'm Emily - a young female blogger who is passionate about sharing my thoughts and experiences with the world. I'm always looking to explore new topics and share my unique perspective with my readers. One of my biggest passions is my pet ferret, Daisy. She's always by my side and brings so much joy to my life. I love spending time with her and taking care of her, and she's become an important part of who I am. When I'm not playing with Daisy, you can usually find me writing about a wide range of topics, from online gaming to cryptocurrency to my latest travel adventures. I love to write about anything that sparks my interest and share my insights and opinions with my readers. Aside from my writing, I'm also an avid reader and enjoy spending time with my family and friends. I'm always looking for new adventures and experiences to inspire me and fuel my creativity. Thanks for taking the time to learn a bit about me and my passions. I look forward to continuing to share my journey with you all!

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